Millard "Bart" Barteaux
Millard Vance Barteaux ( A.K.A. " Bart" ). He was born in 1938 in Amherst raised in Advocate Harbour, Nova Scotia. He spent his first 17 years out on Cape d'Or Lighthouse and Fog Alarm Station on the Bay of Fundy. Bart has written a book , " "Our Lighthouse Lifetime ". It is published on Amazon Kindle.
Millard came to Gimli in 1960 with the R.C.A.F. and served 15 years. In 1982 he joined the Gimli Art Club and has been painting in watercolours since then. As a quest he started painting Churches of the Interlake. After 25 years he finished the project. He donated 255 Church paintings, which now hang in the Arborg Heritage Village along with 260 one room school house paintings and 13 Manitoba Lighthouses.
His summertime past time is working on the Gimli sea wall. He had restored 14 murals and has applied 2 of his own originals. See https://barteauxartworks.com